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Member’s Meeting

Member's Meeting is a special night in the life of our church family. As we have moved to two services, Member's Meeting will become even sweeter because it is an evening for all of our members to be together at once.

During Member's Meeting, our church family gathers together to take the Lord's Supper, pray corporately for the mission of the church, and hear testimonies about new members. Important information is given to the church family at the Member's Meeting.

These meetings only happen four times a year, and we encourage all members to make Members' Meeting a priority. Member's Meeting is Sunday, February 2nd, there will be no fellowship this month. The meeting begins at 5:00 PM in the Worship Center.

Childcare is provided for ages 3 and under for those who register by Sunday, January 26.

February 2

Theological Equipping Classes | Hermeneutics Class & The Book of Acts

February 5

Church History Theological Class